Early Africa

Africa Northbound September 1975 led by Freddy Glaser (who left the trip in Nairobi and handed over to John Scully), Bob Sheldon, Alan Townsing. The photo was taken mid-November 1975 between Yambio and Zemio, Central African Empire (between Juba and Bangassou)

5 thoughts on “Early Africa

  1. Africa Northbound September 1975. Leaders Freddy Glaser, Bob Sheldon, Alan Townsing and latterly John Scully.

  2. Does anyone know how/when Bob Sheldon died? Several of us from his southbound trip preceding this one (March-January 1975) are having a reunion in 2020 on the 45th anniversary of departure. Any information will be much appreciated.

  3. Hi Kate. I can’t help you with Bob Sheldon – I’m a bit late anyway! – but Freddy Glaser is my wife’s cousin. Now in his 80’s he is still thriving and (almost) as adventurous as ever.

    1. Hello, Peter, and many thanks for your message! Bob’s demise remains a mystery. Might it be possible to ask Freddy Glaser if he has any knowledge about Bob (anecdotes or contacts we might pursue)? Two days before departure in 2020, Covid put paid to the South African reunion of our little band of ’75 ‘trippers’, but we remain in frequent WhatsApp contact and are now aiming for next year in London.
      Please pass along our greetings to Freddy, as he’s one of the few who know what a life-enhancing experience that trip remains (not to mention how impossible it would be to replicate today).
      Thanks again and best regards,

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